Blog Archive

In light of Redeemer's recent announcement about the future of Act Five, we want to offer context and hopes for Act Five as a program, community and organization moving forward.

Act Five, commit yourselves. To people and places and Christ. Be present. You might be surprised to find deep joy there.

dangling in the cozy cocoon of Blake Street, the same impetus guides us to faithfully recall what God has done.

Even if you are jet-lagged, as we certainly were, the hint of warning in his southern baritone made us sit up a little straighter. Who were these people?

March 13 marks the 2-year anniversary of the unexpected and terrible end to Act Five’s first year. “You will not be moving back to Blake Street”.

Gordon T. Smith argues that to participate in God’s work equals deep joy. Act Five doesn’t exist to fill students with joy, as though they were empty vessels, but a huge part of our raison d’être is to engage with the questions.

“Familiarity breeds contempt.” This proverb, attributed to Aesop’s fable The Fox and the Lion, while possibly true for wild animals, has not proven to be the case for our students at Blake Street.

This month has taken our community for a wild ride. On Thursday nights we host storytellers, learning about what it means to be faithful amidst life’s twists and turns. This month’s series was titled “It Wasn’t What I Planned”. How true!

What is it you plan on doing with your one wild and precious life? Let us offer a glimpse of how God seems to be leading our collective life with Act Five.

Oh, the places we've been! Act Five is not even three years old, and already we have established so many poignant traditions. Each December, our staff and students pack up the Communauto vans and head out of the city to reflect and retreat

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