Working for the CCAP, Moffat is one of our key hosts for our team in Lundazi. A wonderful man.
As Act Five has arrived and settled into their new home at the CCAP Guest House in Lundazi, Zambia, we are delighted to bring all those following along our first update.
The team is well, grateful, hot, tired, and excited.
Without further ado, a couple reflections from the students…
From Rianna:
We left for Zambia on November 12th at 10:00 AM and ended up at our destination (Lundazi, Zambia) November 14th at 5:32 PM. Needless to say it was a long trip, but most of it was quite enjoyable. Our first flight was 13 hours, which although sounds terrifying was really good. We experienced two sunrises and a sunset, as well as a distant lightning storm and the glittering lights of Spain and Egypt.
Our second flight out of Ethiopia was basically everyone’s nap time. It was around 5 hour flight and EVERYONE slept. Once we landed in Lusaka, Zambia we slowly but surely got our visas and tried our best to become used to the humid heat of the airport.
We were greeted by Moffat and our driver Jethro and set off towards our destination for a night, a lodge not too far out of Lusaka. We spent the night there somewhat exhausted and disoriented (Arissa managed to smack herself into a clearly defined window), and we left that morning at 5:30 AM for Lundazi.
It was about an 11 and a half hour drive and it was incredible driving through the vast dry landscape and seeing all the rural villages that dotted the road. Many of the kids we passed would wave to us, some played peek a boo and others just giggled at a distance.
We finally reached CCAP in Lundazi at 5:30 PM and it was a great relief. Although travelling was fun at some points, we were ready to be in one place for a while. We’re super pumped to be here now and can’t wait for the many beautiful and growing experiences in store for us.
From Angela:
[After our first night in Lusaka] We had breakfast and hit the road by 5:32 AM and began our trek to Lundazi – an eleven and a half hour drive. But regardless of the length, we had the wind in our hair and thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Right outside the windows is a sea of red dirt and green trees. We crossed bridges and saw mountains and people in their towns and homes. There are people everywhere you look, walking up the road and manning their shops and stands. There are lots of goats and groups of cows and it is just so beautiful.
It’s surreal to be here and idyllic to watch life go on from a distance. Soon enough we arrived and met the people we had previously only seen from the bus.
Hoya Day School.
We were welcomed by the children at the compound we are staying at and had dinner together after allocating rooms ourselves. We sang and prayed and talked about travelling moments and everyone headed to bed before 10.
Today we woke early because the sun wakes early (and also, we’re jet-lagged). The morning was filled with journalling and breakfast and reading poetry, and then we set out on a bumpy ride to the Hoya Day school we will be visiting while we are here. We were introduced to the staff and others and given a tour of the school.
Hoya Day School
The site of the new science lab the Act Five team will be building!
Autumn was showered with beautiful flowers by some of the children that were at the school grounds, and then we bumped back home along the road. We spent the afternoon journalling, reading and having delicious mangoes from the market that taste like the sun. It’s incredibly hot but whilst we complain, we know the blessing we have in being here.
Stay tuned for more updates on our adventures!!