Our students have now completed 9 weeks of what we call “Ordinary Time” at Act Five. Ordinary time is when we choose to declare that our ordinary moments matter.
By: Alyssa Zilney | December 6, 2022
"We saw students on this trip develop a deeper understanding and experience of our God through connection with the natural world and our Indigenous neighbours"
By: Alyssa Zilney | December 2, 2022
While rest is important, and a huge part of what we as Christians are called to practice as an act of faith(fulness) in a world of hustle, we are also called to engage. We are called to spend ourselves on things worth spending ourselves on.
By: Jon Berends | October 24, 2022
Being present is hard in our society... But coming back into the “traffic” after our canoe trip I realize the importance of taking time to step out of it, take in the moments, and ask God for guidance.
By: Alyssa Zilney | October 7, 2022
"We long to be people who are rooted in the good places this year, by streams of water that bring life to all we do and all we are."
By: Alyssa Zilney | September 9, 2022
"I want to be someone that helps people on their absolute worst days. God really put it on my heart to go into rescue work."
By: Alyssa Zilney | July 20, 2022
"The time I spent at Act Five means everything to me. Act Five shaped me into the person that I am today and I honestly have no idea where I would be without it."
By: Alyssa Zilney | July 18, 2022
The moment you step through the doors of 75 Blake St, you become part of something larger than yourself: a community. Spaghetti Wednesday, then, is a way for us to extend that community beyond ourselves.
By: Lauryn Francisco | June 28, 2022
In light of Redeemer's recent announcement about the future of Act Five, we want to offer context and hopes for Act Five as a program, community and organization moving forward.
By: Jon Berends | May 12, 2022
Act Five, commit yourselves. To people and places and Christ. Be present. You might be surprised to find deep joy there.
By: Jon Berends | May 4, 2022
dangling in the cozy cocoon of Blake Street, the same impetus guides us to faithfully recall what God has done.
By: Lena Scholman | April 29, 2022
Even if you are jet-lagged, as we certainly were, the hint of warning in his southern baritone made us sit up a little straighter. Who were these people?
By: Lena Scholman | April 22, 2022