Blog Archive

“If God is everywhere, and prayer is being in the presence of God, then anything can be a prayer.”

We here at Act Five are looking ahead to 2021 with hope, even in the midst of what continues to a trying time around the globe. We are leaning into our vision to raise up resilient disciples and foster Christ-like hope.

Resident Leader Alyssa shares about her experiences being a part of Act Five for the second year in a row: how she's watched the community house grow, and how she's experienced her own discipleship journey alongside the students.

A key aspect of the Act Five program, particularly first term with our Place, Home and Land course, is learning from the indigenous peoples of our area. Read reflections from our students on their experiences this past month.

A significant piece of Act Five is the contrast between urban and rural environments. It’s been highlighted by living on Blake street, right in downtown Hamilton, while also heading on visits to rural places that practice Creation Care.

"In a season unlike anything we have experienced before, my hope is that Act Five represents a community seeking to live faithfully in this moment."

Two students share reflections on this "ordinary" part of the Act Five program: living in community, doing our chores and our homework, and settling into life in the city of Hamilton.

Our students got back from their canoe adventure in Temagami, Ontario almost 2 weeks ago now, and it was just last Thursday that we drove back down from Coldwater's base camp to our home in Hamilton. Two of our students reflect on their experience.

This has been an encouraging start to year two of Act Five. We are aware of the immense privilege it is to be together forming a community and running a program, and we are eager to witness the way God will guide us in our journey.

"With gratitude to be able to run our program  - and with some creative uses of space, travel adjustments, face masks and plenty of hand sanitizer - we head toward September humbly and confidently."

As a guest post, read some profound reflections from Sarah Bosch as she witnessed what God did in the life of her daughter through Act Five.

Is a year with Act Five really worth the investment? Not only do staff and students of Act Five think so, but these parents answer with a resounding "YES!"

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