Blog Archive

Act Five's Residence Manager, Madison Eckert, writes about life in Act Five in the summertime. Enjoy, as she describes highlights of this past season.

Our staff team has been paying attention to how we live into the values of Act Five this summer. Enjoy this summertime blog post as we wander through some thoughts on the practice of hospitality.

Alumni, may you continue to walk on the Way, in community, and in relationship with the God who created you, who knows you, and who loves you.

Act Five 2023 alumni give some reflections on the year they just experienced.

Upon moving in, I always ask the students, "What made you want to come to Act Five?", and with a mix of naivety and maturity, almost every student answers, "I want to grow."

Every year, our community puts together a video with some highlights of the year. Enjoy!

"Community can exist within a multitude of places... it's not just within Act Five that I'll find true community."

"I think this is the kind of thing that gives you experience and preparedness that you'll take into the rest of your life... It's a lifelong lesson learned."

Differences in the Church are not just helpful, but essential. They are a necessary element of God’s Kingdom. His purpose is fulfilled through the different gifts of each “part” when we come together as a whole.

"God is... moving, he’s reconciling, he’s redeeming everywhere. To get to see that, all over the world as well as in our own home, gives us a bigger vision of who God is. I’m excited to share that vision with others in our community."

"Throughout the entire trip, I saw God in how alive everyone was for Christ. But it wasn’t just the ‘one-hour-after-worship’ kind of alive. They were living their lives for Jesus."

"I would invite someone to live in this home if they have an itch to experience a different vision of what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our context."

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