Blog Archive

Last year was a journey of living out our mission to be people who faithfully improvise. We don’t intend to stop doing that. We desire to be a community that is open to the movement of the Spirit.

As people who love and believe in the power and truth of the biblical story, what we are doing here can be a signpost. Perhaps, as we connect more to the soil and to each other, we can remember to hope.

Since being home after finishing Act Five, I have made a habit of walking through the ravine woods close to my home. I feel there is something freeing about simply being among trees and rocks and dirt that allows me to be a human.

Following the recent announcement of Ontario’s reopening plan, we here at Act Five are increasingly confident that we will be able to safely offer all parts of our program in-person again this fall.

In conclusion, it's becoming more and more clear that if I want to follow God, I have to be open to moving from my ideas and thoughts of what is right, to what God is saying is right. 

Join us in some highlights and memories of Act Five Year Two

May God continue to prepare the way for these 16 young adults, and may they be gifts for others who have not experienced anything close to the fullness of life found at 75 Blake St this past year.

Miraculously, all of our students were blessed with the opportunity to participate in a six week placement with local businesses and organizations in Hamilton and the surrounding area. Read stories from two of our students from these placements!

May I Lord - may I address each sunrise and each sunset of this coming chapter with praises to Your name, of Your love, of Your patience, of Your heart, and of Your goodness.

In any given moment we often cannot fully understand the importance of what we are learning and living until we step back and gain some perspective.

Alumni Matt writes that "Act Five taught me a lot about what it means to listen well. The importance of listening well has continued to grow in my life, whether it be with family, friends old and new, and even in business."

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