After days of flying, driving, adjusting to the heat and all things new, the team is finally at home base.
By: Jon Berends | November 15, 2019
Out of the richness of the past months together in community, our 12 students and their leaders embark on a month in Zambia, serving with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, in partnership with EduDeo Ministries. Join us along the way!
By: Jon Berends | November 12, 2019
She:kon, hello. This week we went to the Six Nations reserve and had the honour of listening to and learning from Brian Chiki and his wife Andrea. It was a rich week of imagining more what it means to be people following Jesus in our place.
By: Nina Drenth | October 28, 2019
Despite our pace slowing down this last month, the daily activities of our lives have maintained their richness. We have tasted together the reality that God is not far off; indeed He is in the mundane everyday-ness of our eating, studying,...
By: Nina Drenth | October 22, 2019
"I believe that God’s Spirit is among us as we pursue this new venture. And as we navigate the realities of an old home and an 8-month pilot program involving real people and not just good ideas, I see God’s faithfulness woven through all of...
By: Nina Drenth | October 3, 2019
"I ventured out for nine days in a canoe, weighed down by 70 pound green, red and grey packs full of supplies. As we pushed off the shore, we were submitting to be intentionally and completely immersed in the wilderness, no distractions."
By: Nina Drenth | September 25, 2019
Throughout the year, students will be writing short notes and reflections in learning journals for their courses. Here are a few snippets from a couple of their journals.
By: Nina Drenth | September 10, 2019
The first ever Act Five Welcome Week is coming to an end. On Monday, Act Five was still just an idea floating around in the hearts and minds of leaders, supporters, and community members; now it has a life of its own.
By: Nina Drenth | September 6, 2019